"Selfish herders" finish last in mobile animal flocks
The selfish herd is an intuitive hypothesis, that those which crowd to the centre of a group will be safer from predators. The problem...
Leaders of war take many forms
In our exploration of the leadership and intergroup conflict literature, we identified two distinct leadership styles: "heroic" and...
Dispatch for our Current Biology paper released
Damien Farine wrote an awesome dispatch article for the Current Biology paper. He also reviewed the paper, and we are grateful for his...
No evidence of "selfish-herd" in pigeons. New paper in Current Biology
Thrilled that our test of Hamilton's selfish herd hypothesis was published in Current Biology https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fullte...
No votes for goats!
Huge thanks to all co-authors as we just had our goat paper published in Royal Society Open Science!! https://royalsocietypublishing.org/...
plot_map() - Tutorial
My first complete function is plot_map(). This function builds upon functions in the ggmap and ggplot2 packages to give a (hopefully)...